In constructing the school evolutionary stages continuum and in writing the soon to be released Taxonomy of School Evolutionary Stages our desire was to provide all associated with schooling globally a simple measure they could readily apply to position their school and identify the road that lies ahead for their school.
We’ve consciously aimed to provide a facility all can use – and not as happens so often in education a measure that can only be applied by someone skilled in psychometrics.
The desire is to provide an indicative measure that can be readily used
- to further parents and grandparent’s understanding of the school’s position
- to give the students greater voice
- in assisting empower all the staff, the teaching and vitally also the professional support
- to assist the development of principals
- to foster whole school evolution and on-going enhancement
- to highlight the individual school – and not the system per se – as the unit of change
- in helping the political decision makers better understand the global commonality of school evolution, and the growing variability between schools
- by those in teacher training to better understand the schools they will be entering
- by educational researchers to develop measures that can be realistically used in ever more integrated, rapidly evolving schools.
Our hope is that the continuum can be applied without assistance but if help is required Roger at – and Mal at – can assist.
Skype and the astute juggling of time zones should make it possible to assist wherever you are in the world.
In applying the measure in a group setting do bear in mind the earlier post by Roger.